Family Reviews
“After nine months of not sleeping we decided it was time to get in touch with an expert to help our daughter to sleep! It had got to the stage of her waking every hour at night and ‘needing’ me to offer her a milk feed or rock her back to sleep.
We were really reluctant to sleep train as we didn’t want to have to let our much doted on daughter cry but Kelly was so understanding of our situation and the crying/protesting has been minimal!
She is only two weeks into sleep training and is sleeping through the night from 7-7, it’s an absolute dream and we could NEVER have got to this point without Kelly. Her advice, personalised plan and support has been just incredible. My daughter is so much more content; although she has always been a happy baby she is now super happy! As parents so are we! We feel like we’ve got our lives back on track, we’re planning our first date night since our beautiful baby arrived and couldn’t recommend Kelly highly enough”
— Mum of 9 month old baby girl in Surrey, UK.
“We contacted Kelly when our daughter was nearly 7 months old after seeing her recommended on Facebook.
We were at our wits end as our baby had NEVER EVER napped anywhere other than on someone’s shoulder, needed rocking to sleep day and night and “slept” in bed with us every night (often waking for long periods in the early hours). We had no evenings as we couldn’t put her down until we went to bed with her. I also breastfed throughout the night to soothe her back to sleep. Everyone was exhausted and there was no sign of any improvement, so we decided that we needed to do something.
Kelly was very confident that she could help us but I laughed when she said that we would be able to just put baby in her cot and have time to ourselves in the day/evening. It seemed impossible. Still, we took the plunge and arranged a home visit, then got stuck in to the plan the next day. I am not going to suggest that the plan was easy, as our daughter definitely made Kelly (and us) work hard! But, on night 1 after the first settling period she slept in her cot all night (with a few wake-ups) without us needing to go in, let alone feed her or rock her to sleep! In fact, on the whole we have now had almost 4 weeks of sleeping through the night, with a few blips here and there.
The day naps took longer and we are still working on these, but, from zero naps in the cot “pre-Kelly”, baby now gets much better sleep in the day. We have even managed a few days where she has had a full 2 hour sleep in the morning AND another hour in the afternoon!
Throughout the process Kelly was hugely supportive and kept us on track, with regular calls to check in and tons of advice over email/text. There is no way that we could have done it by ourselves - I think we would have given up on day 1! 4 weeks in and it’s hard to remember just how bad things were before we started. We wish that we had contacted Kelly sooner, rather than waiting to see if things would get better on their own. We are all so much happier and less tired!”
— Mum to baby girl of 7 months in Hampshire, UK
“I cannot recommend Kelly enough. I decided to seek her help with my 10-month-old twins. They weren’t bad sleepers but where starting to wake early and where all over the place with naps. I had tried a few programmes on line but didn’t have the confidence or knowledge to see it through. Straight away I felt at ease with Kelly and in the two weeks she supported me and gave me the confidence to follow the plan and see the results.
Both babies now nap twice a day at the same times and sleep 7pm – 7am – I have much happier babies and parents.
Defiantly money well spent!”
— Mum of twins in Hertfordshire, UK
“We contacted Kelly a few months after the arrival of our second baby. Our son at 2 years old, had become a nightmare since lockdown had first started. Bedtimes were long and drawn out, with one of us having to stay in his room before he went to sleep.
During the night, we would have to sit by his bed if he woke up, and then there were early morning wake ups to deal with. We were sleep deprived and ready to make a change, but just didn't know how! My husband was initially unsure about how this would help us out, but within a few minutes of our first call with Kelly, it was clear that she had a plan!
Over the next 10 nights we followed Kelly's direction- we checked in with her regularly on WhatsApp with progress (especially after the first few nights) as well as a number of phone calls.
We now have a bedtime where our toddler puts himself off to sleep and stays asleep all night - waking happy and refreshed.
All I can say is that if you are struggling to get sleep and unsure how to get there, get in touch with Kelly. She is so supportive, quick to respond, and it works if you are willing to follow her steps. The tools we have used with our toddler have also made us much more confident with our now 6 month old baby and his sleep.
We cannot thank Kelly enough for all her help and dedication to get sleep back in our household.
It has made us a happier and healthier family..”
— Mum to 2 year old boy
“We had been having real difficulty with our toddlers sleeping for a few months when we contacted Kelly. Our daughter had previously been a good sleeper so we were at our wits end when she started waking several times in the night, not being able to leave her room until she was fast asleep and the VERY early wake up calls! Kelly gave us the tools and confidence to implement the sleep plan she wrote for us. The amount of support she gave us throughout the process was great, we never felt like we had to cope alone and I know that I can get in touch now if we have any “hiccups”. The plan helped our daughter become an independent sleeper again and she knows what’s expected of her. She has been a different child since she’s getting the sleep she needs! (and so are we!). We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Kelly to anyone having difficulty with child sleep and have done so to friends..... Thank you Kelly!”
— Mum of a now sleeping 2 year old - and very well rested mummy!